
CHERRISH is set to become the world's first female-curated dating space, designed for ambitious women and confident men. Women join by self-selection—if you feel this is for you, it is. For men, the process is different. We genuinely love men, but the women in this space deserve the best: men who have proven they value independent women. Men can only join if a female friend - vouches for them.

We are revolutionizing the overall dating app experience. Our voice-led approach prioritizes meaningful connections through listening rather than just visual appeal and a few fun lines and emojis. Dating apps shouldn't feel like an e-commerce shopping experience for humans. At CHERRISH, the more you listen, the more you truly see.

Solving the dating-problem for successful women is long overdue. We're here to do that now.

My name is Bianca Praetorius, I am the founder of CHERRISH. I have spent the last ten years in the international startup & innovation industry, co-initiating various entrepreneurial political initiatives.

I am happily married, mother of 2 and live in Berlin and Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Making modern love happen.

I guess, it's a thing.

Did just as much happen on the male side though? The self-image of many men still includes being the main breadwinner, provider and traditional head of the family. So perhaps it's not so surprising that a man finds a more successful woman (or smarter, funnier, or more educated than him) shall we say, romantically uncomfortable....The result is that women pay a high price for their success: The statistically much higher probability to be involuntarily partnerless. And since the social phenomenon of the "independent woman" is a relatively recent development in society (a few decades), it is not at all ill-intentioned if we lovingly, but in disappointment, refer to these men as "Lappen".

It all started with a viral LinkedIn post.

In June 2022, we nearly broke LinkedIn by discussing successful women and men who can or cannot handle their ambition. The post went so viral that we decided to actually do something about it. CHERRISH was born. Our mission is to help outstanding women find the men they deserve

We wholeheartedly believe in men. There are plenty of warm, confident men out there—men who are secure in themselves, aware of their value, and see a successful woman not as competition but as a partner. We are convinced that there are many wonderful men who seek a relationship based on equality and genuine connection. These are the men we cherish.

❤️ It's also true that love, chemistry, and romance are infinitely complex. No app, not even the best matchmaking app, can deliver great love at the touch of a button. However, we can help address a structural imbalance. We bring together people who share one essential belief before they even meet: love is team play.

So, what's a successful woman?

What we don't mean is a female business-elite, fame-game, rich-chicks dating club. What we mean are women who are strong, happy, and self-sufficient. They are smart, independent, and create their own lives.
Maybe they run communities, maybe they run for office, or maybe they're just hilarious and quick-witted.
They don't need a partner, but they'd love one.