In June 2022, we nearly broke LinkedIn by discussing successful women and men who can or cannot handle their ambition. The post went so viral that we decided to actually do something about it. CHERRISH was born. Our mission is to help outstanding women find the men they deserve.
We wholeheartedly believe in men. There are plenty of warm, confident men out there—men who are secure in themselves, aware of their value, and see a successful woman not as competition, but as a partner. These are the men we cherish.
Women join by self-selection—if you feel this is for you, it is.
My name is Bianca Praetorius, I am the founder of CHERRISH. I have spent the last ten years in the international startup & innovation industry, co-initiating various entrepreneurial political initiatives.
I am happily married, mother of 2 and live in Berlin and Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
What we don't mean is a female business-elite, fame-game, rich-chicks dating club. What we mean are women who are strong, happy, and self-sufficient. They are smart, independent, and create their own lives.
Maybe they run communities, maybe they run for office, or maybe they're just hilarious and quick-witted.
They don't need a partner, but they'd love one.